Music: Chopin Spring Waltz Mariage dAmour


I have been standing here for 139 years now…

I stand firm… no worries…

It’s like I’m at the shore and nave can touch the beach…

But it is not my destiny at all…

I am a lighthouse… I’m looking to the ships far away and helping them to transform from the small dot to the real big ones…

Sometimes the water is calm…. Sometimes, on the contrary, it even reaches my roof and slaps me in the face…

I am worried about two things:

One is that I have a curse… because my lightning moves circularly I see everything in halves. It seems I am looking everywhere but I always miss the second part to see the full picture…

In my destiny is something real and something mystical…. Because I have seen a thousand stories… but none to the end…

I have seen how a seagull flew away but do not know where it flew to….

I have seen how the dolphin jumped out or into the sea but never seen this move together…

I have liked thousands of women on the beach however never had time to remember the face…

I have seen a couple kissing… and after the next turn around how dead body of the girl lying down on the ground…

I have seen as well how one person survived the other but have never seen them expressing gratitude….

I have seen the boat laden with people and boat, the empty boat which the sea play with as a feather in the sky…. Sometimes I am thankful that can’t hear voices.

However, there is the second thing on the beach…

This is the woman, thin as a reed of wheat, with brown hears and milk color skin…. she always comes on my thousandth turn… 👒

She never is alone… she always brings two daughters, one like him with black long hair and a second with curved brown hears… little girls are cozy as stream water… The woman’s fingers are as marbles… she is holding her daughter’s hands as no one can separate, and neither can the strongest wave that ever hit me…

Cutes sometimes stop and they are standing as one statue of porcelain… When they are watching the horizon sometimes they look at me too… at this moment I become stronger… My power levels up and my light is spreading far away than before…

I am Lighthouse… One thing that I always catch is the sunset… And what I always worry is periods of time the women do not appear…

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