Brief summary: is a marketplace which gives the possibility to apparel designers as well as their customers to sell and buy items online. Via mobile application designers can place their product in the system and make them available worldwide to be purchased. Platforms that help customers to achieve this goal have become quite trendy recently, the best example of which is


When I engaged in this project they had already had a nice design concept. However, there were many details to be improved. We were facing several big challenges. It was necessary to provide customers with product descriptions succinctly so that interface should have been aesthetically more subtle and clean. Moreover, one of our goals was to clearly indicate to users which step of the purchasing the item they were on. Finally, we were supposed to design a more refined functional of the filter so that customers could easily find a desirable product.

My Contributions:

I created different flows to have a better imagination how a designer adds a product to his/her online fashion store, and organizes various brands. Afterwards, I turned those flows into wireframes and made different iterations. Furthermore, it was necessary to get designers’ feedback during the process of designing a mobile application therefore I organized several interviews as face to face process as well as Online surveys, where we introduced a prototype to designers and received feedback.